Početna stranicaYNGA • LON
Young And Co'S Brewery Ord Shs
Preth. zaklj. cijena
844,00 GBX
Dnevni raspon
840,00 GBX - 848,00 GBX
Godišnji raspon
640,00 GBX - 1.055,00 GBX
Tržišna kapitalizacija
472,22 mil. GBP
Prosječna količina
58,64 tis.
P/E omjer
Prinos dividende
2,65 %
Glavno tržište vrijednosnica
Vijesti s tržišta
Financijski podaci
Račun dobiti i gubitka
Neto dohodak
(GBP) | ruj 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Prihod | 125,00 mil. | 27,23 % |
Operativni troškovi | — | — |
Neto dohodak | 10,00 mil. | 14,94 % |
Neto profitabilnost | 8,00 | −9,60 % |
Zarada po dionici | — | — |
EBITDA | 27,25 mil. | 22,75 % |
Efektivna porezna stopa | 19,76 % | — |
Bilanca stanja
Ukupna imovina
Ukupne obveze
(GBP) | ruj 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Gotovinska i kratkoročna ulaganja | 100,00 tis. | −87,50 % |
Ukupna imovina | 1,33 mlr. | 24,66 % |
Ukupne obveze | 540,00 mil. | 62,06 % |
Ukupni kapital | 786,80 mil. | — |
Dionice u optjecaju | 62,10 mil. | — |
Cijena prema knjigovodstvenoj vrijednosti | 0,67 | — |
Povrat imovine | 3,59 % | — |
Povrat kapitala | 4,20 % | — |
Tok novca
Neto promjena novca
(GBP) | ruj 2024.info | Godišnja promjena |
Neto dohodak | 10,00 mil. | 14,94 % |
Gotovina od poslovanja | 23,05 mil. | 34,40 % |
Gotovina iz ulaganja | −7,85 mil. | 60,25 % |
Gotovina iz financiranja | −23,60 mil. | −904,26 % |
Neto promjena novca | −8,40 mil. | −69,70 % |
Slobodan tok novca | 8,26 mil. | 58,89 % |
Young's is a British pub chain operating nearly 220 pubs.
The company was founded as a brewery in 1831 by Charles Young and Anthony Bainbridge when they purchased the Ram Brewery in Wandsworth. The company closed the Ram Brewery in 2006, and the brewing operation was transferred to a new company, Wells & Young's Brewing Company Ltd, which was a joint brewing venture with Charles Wells Brewery. Young's held 40% of the shares in the new company until the sale of its stake to Charles Wells in 2011. There is a rolling contract for Young's to take beers produced by Wells & Young's and by Marston's after it took over the Eagle Brewery in Bedford, an operation now called Carlsberg Marston's Brewing Company. Until its closure in 2006, the company's Ram Brewery in Wandsworth was claimed to be Britain's oldest brewing site in continuous operation, with a history dating back to the 1550s when a Humphrey Langridge, "beer-brewer at Wandsworth", leased the Ram pub. Wikipedia